Hi everyone and welcome to the last post of our Sew Along - covering how to put the quilt together!
Oooh she needs a little press doesn't she... poor thing has been sat on by Chippie for the last few weeks on the couch while I've been writing the blog posts!! Sorry quilt.
The first thing to do once you’ve made all your apples and your basket is to have a good look at your blocks, and the layout of my quilt if you need some guidance, and place all your blocks out on the floor or a design wall with some space in between them, in rough rows. Take a photo with your phone, or use a ruby glass or a door peeper, or squint your eyes - whatever is your favourite method of judging colour value. Move the blocks around until you're happy with where the lights and darks are all falling. There is no need to try and place blocks of similar size together OR to make them the same height at this stage.
Once everything is laid out, then its time to add some pieces to the top/bottom of each apple so that everything in a row is the same height. Even though the blocks are all different sizes and shapes we are still looking for a basic, straight line patchwork row in the end. This is the point where you're going to be able to estimate the finished size of your quilt - so if you want it to be a little bigger, float a bit more fabric around each apple, or consider putting some little strips in (see the video for what I'm talking about) to add a little more height and sparkle.
Once everything is the same height, its time to start putting some pieces in between if you need to. This is going to determine the width of your quilt so again, add a little extra or shave a bit off if you need to. Remember too that you don't have to have only 32 apples! If you want a larger quilt then just add a few extra, and for a really big quilt maybe two bushel baskets and 64 apples! There's no rules to this, it's easy to customise the quilt to your needs as you go.
Putting the basket row together is the same concept, except that you're going to make all the apples at the left into one "block" thats the same height as the basket, and then stitch that block to the basket.
Heres a pic of Amy's top - see how she's inserted some little bits of apple fabric here and there for fun, but it's also acting as a spacer to make that particular row longer? If you don't have any apples, maybe leaves, or birds (to peck at the apples), or tractors....
Click here for more detail in the video, as well as a few words about the border - so have a little watch, and enjoy putting your quilt together! Here's some more photos of Amy's quilt, she's the fastest gun in the west and she's already got it quilted! (BTW she;s an ACE machine quilter, she's done quite a few of my quilts, so if you're in Detroit and needing your top quilted check her out... Big City Quilting, or @alobsiger on Instagram)
And that's the end of our Sew Along! I really hope you've all had fun making apples with me :)
The competition will remain open until September 30, so if you've made some apples or even a whole top and want to share them with the world make sure to tag me so that I can see them, and use the hashtag #32isabushel as well. each social media post is an entry, and the prize is a little apple pouch made by me, with your initial appliquéd onto it, and with a few fun goodies inside. Happy sewing peeps! x