I will play on her blog!
Hi there, Erica here. I'm taking this chance to highjack Sarah's blog again while she's not looking. Well really, what does she expect me to do - she's in Africa having fun on safari!
You might not realise how far it is from Sydney to Tanzania, so here's a map I prepared earlier:
Yep - a very long way!
I'd love to report that Sarah has sent me a postcard with photos but she hasn't! :-( I guess she's having way too much fun. So I've had to draw pictures of some of the animals she's probably seeing. You can pretend along with me here.
Ooh, rhino. That tusk looks mighty impressive.
Giraffe! These are very odd - I think mine looks more like a dinosaur relative.
Zebra. Makes me want to make a black and white quilt.
A mighty elephant. More tusks!
Let's compare my drawings to Sarah's photos when she comes back, shall we? I have a vague idea hers might be a tad more realistic.
Hope you've enjoyed my post. You might like to leave a comment here to wish Sarah a happy birthday. Wouldn't it be great for her to see a mass of good wishes when she returns to real life?
'Bye until my next highjacking... Erica