Wednesdays are my monthly day at Cottage Quiltworks and it's something I look forwward to. There is such a variety of projects being made in class, and it's always fun to see where everyone got up to since the last class.
I managed to forget my camera bit the iPhone took a few passable (only just mind you) pictures. And as I've only taught this group twice, I don't remember everyone's names yet! Apologies...
Masses and masses of flowers bloomed for this version of The Night Garden, which is coming along beautifully! Such an organised work station with little piles of blocks all ready to be positioned...
And here they all are coming together on the wall. Wow.
This is going to be a stunner. The fabric chosen for the setting rectangles is an aboriginal design and the graphic lines and bright colours will really fill in the "undergrowth" of the garden between the flowers. Great job!
Next up is a Candy Shop quilt. Candy Shop was one of the first patterns I ever did for commercial sale, and nearly 10 years later it still turns up all over the place! You will find the pattern to make your own Candy Shop in Material Obsession One, and is a fantastic beginners quilt. This is the centre panel:
They will be filled with embroidery and there is a border going on as well. We're going to put some extra borders as well and make this quilt a bit bigger!
And last but certainly not least I have TWO girls making Sunshine and Shadows, which is my pattern in Quilters Newsletter this month. (Sorry Belle I pinched your pic)
The girls making it only started quilting this year, and look how well they are going!
Its taken a bit of trial and error to get used to sewing diamonds, but they are doing really well.
After the next class I will give you updates on the progress of the Stars in Your Eyes, Hanging Lanterns, The Burbs and Seasons quilts all being made in this class! So much to see, and today I'm off to Calico and Ivy for another class. I promise to remember my camera this time. :)
* I still have two complete fat quarter bundles of From Little Things available. If you want meterage, The Patchwork Orange tell me she still has some for sale! Template sets for The Night Garden, Hanging Lanterns and Jazz Hands are coming soon to the shop, I have them ready for sale though so if you would like them just email, [email protected].
Also if you would like to download a copy of this month's Home Beautiful to see my house, you can do so for $7 from Thanks for that tip Susannah!
For those waiting for a copy of Quilting: From Little Things or Material Obsession Two, I should have the books to post to you in a few days. I will keep you updated.