I'm so excited. Yesterday I dropped the manuscript of my third book to the publisher. For those of you who don't know, this book is special because it is my first book on my own. Somehow this made it both more exciting and more terrifying to write and prepare at the same time.
Renovating a house, starting a new business and writing a book all at once have made for an interesting year. But this book is special. It's the reason my blog has been relatively bare of quilting posts for the best part of a year, and the reason my kids regularly call out in frustration for the location of clean underwear.
It's the reason I haven't played golf yet this year, or seen friends who I miss, or ironed anything other than patchwork pieces. And it's also one of the most exciting things I've ever done, and now it's on it's way to being a real live book!
We have a way to go though yet, so I hope you're not too excited along with me. There's months of editing and photography and layouts and then printing before I can show you anything, so I hope you can all sustain any excitement you may feel and I will remind you along the way :)
Anyway, enough book excitement and on to Easter excitement! While my AMAZING worker-bee parent-in-law were here, we got so much work done on the house it was amazing. Here is my newly painted computer desk in the kitchen:
The combo of that green with the little handles and the white chair give me a little skip every time I walk past. The teacup flower pot was a gift from my SIL for my last birthday, and it's been safely in a box waiting for a special place for it to go. It's got violets in it because they were my mum's favourite. And here's my newly planted herb garden:
It has parsley and coriander, basil and chives, oregano, rosemary, thyme... it has celery, lettuce, rocket and snow peas! I can't wait until it all starts to grow and I can eat it.
Here are my sleepy Easter bunnies with their egg stash.
Here's one more random thing for this rambling post- Material Obsession One was named on Sew Mama Sew as one of their top ten favourite quilt books! How cool is that. Thanks SMS.... head over there and they are having a competition and you can win books and stuff.
Speaking of giveaways, my friends at Leutenegger have been generous little Easter bunnies as well. They have given me some of their devine new iron on transfers to give away. You can iron these patches onto any fabric, embroider over the top and have a cute new something for your house! I have a few ideas n mind for these little beauties so keep a look out.
In the mean time, I have five of each of the designs shown to give away to ten commenters on this post (you will get one iron on each).
Just tell me which iron on you would like to win and what you might do with it to win. I will draw this coming Monday, Sydney time.
What's that they're sitting on? Bright and early this morning the postie brought me a parcel from Mrs Schmenk (as she is affectionately known) with the latest Dollies Online (pattern available HERE, don't forget you can still sign up for the 12 month program!) quilt for my dolly wall, and a delicious piece of gigantic red and white spot!!
So the beautiful machine quilting you can see in the pics is done by her on her domestic sewing machine. That's right! DOMESTIC sewing machine. So while I'm having my hair cut, go over and visit with Amy and have a look at some more amazing quilting she's been doing. Run along, nothing more to see here....