Lots of readers out there! Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Still collecting pics of student quilts so bear with me... in the mean time here's Saturday. Moved the sewing room around to accomodate my computer..... lots of book writing to be done in the next weeks.
Instead of Top Ten today we are having Top 5 Songs to Dance to on the IPod in the Sewing Room. What do you MEAN you don't dance while you're sewing? It stops you getting stiff from all that sitting and makes those little pieces fly through the machine so quickly. Anyone got any favourites to add?
1. Jason Mraz- anything really but We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things is my favourite
2. ABBA, ABBA Gold- well dur. Who DOESN"T dance to ABBA. How can you NOT dance to ABBA? It may be daggy, but it's fun.
3. Ditto The Essential Michael Jackson. All those Jackson 5 boogie beats, yeeha!
4. Glee Soundtrack - not just dancing but a whole lot of singing to this one.
5. Ben Lee - Awake is the New Sleep. Aussie singer you may not all of heard of. I have LOVED his music for years and this is his best album, although the latest one is growing on me too!
Get on your dancing shoes! I will add that my IPod contains a HEAP of other music of all different sorts, but these are the current boogie-ing favourites. On with Saturday.
Looked through lots of pictures taken over summer for colour inspiration and came up with these...
Hmm, the colours look better in the camera than they do here. Oh well. Found a home for this guy, part of my Christmas present from the lovely Amy who spoils me.
Isn't he cute? I do love a new animal for my sewing room menagerie, and I don't have any whales :) Did a bit of quilting on a little project. This is a big blow up, those are 2" squares!
It's a hard summer, but someone's got to do it.