ooo I was so cranky this morning. SOOO cranky. First it was really hot last night and I couldn't sleep. Then I got to sleep, was all set to play golf this morning and was really looking forward to it. BUT, I woke up and found that my trick shoulder was playing up again, the result of a whole lot of old injuries we won't go into here. That meant no large arm movements, which meant no golf. C.R.A.N.K.Y. There was quite a bit of banging in the kitchen and muttering under breath going on around here.
Once I got everyone off to school (which nearly involved some arguments when certain small people were dragging their feet!) someone knocked on the door. At 9am around here, that can only mean one thing.
My friend the postman. The first package made me,smile, but the second package made me crack a grin.
New friends for my pincushion collection. Now I ask you, who can look at that and be cross? I challenge any one to be cracky after seeing that stack.
Feeling considerably happier, I settled down to piece some teeny diamonds. Realising after about an hour that the shoulder wasn't going to stand up to the sewing machine, I nearly broke out in crankiness again, but instead settled to this, which ALWAYS cheers me up -
As I was sketching, the husband (perhaps tipped off by the stream of muttered profanity eariler), came into the studio bearing a toasted bagel with cream cheese for my lunch, perhaps my favourite thing on the planet.
Happiness levels almost restored, the universe sent me another treat. Another knock on the door revealed this:
My friend Sam with a bunch of flowers to thank me for the weekend at the beach (completely unnessecery, but very much appreciated!).
And so, redeeming features triumph once again. The shoulder is on ice and will hopefully mend in time for golf next week, but if it doesn't I'll settle for another day like today :) Here's hoping all of your days are as nice as mine. Sarah Fielke, Material Obsession, Material Obsession Two
PS. Yes, Charlie was Edward Cullen from Twilight. Congratulations to all of you who guessed and who are obviously as Twilight obsessed as me, and comiserations to those of you who either have not discovered Twilight, or who are on Team Jacob. lol!!!