Oh I'm SUCH a lucky girl. I recently admired the beautiful crocheted eggs that Monica has been learning to make on her blog, and guess what was in my mail box this morning???
Three of the lovely eggs all the way from the Happy Zombie herself. Plus a super cute card with a sewing machine on!! These are not just any eggs though - they are eggs from a TV star! Monica, Pam and Elizabeth have all been appearing on Alex Anderson's new internet show in the last weeks, go have a look at their blogs and check out all the famous blog lady action.
Thank you SO much Monica, you are very sweet. Look out in your mailbox for a treat from Australia - although it might take a week or so to get posted, I am binding a few due projects madly before I can do anything else.
One of the things I'm binding is the Year 6 fundraising quilt. Remember the one I did with Year 4/5? When they are both done I will show you pics of the finished product.
In between making metres and metres of binding today, I was also looking intenty at the next book I am going to review for SEWN. This one is a little unusual....
in that it is written in German. And not available in English. Don't let that deter you though - I discovered these great books while I was in the Netherlands, and they are really lovely. The instructions are pretty clear if you know how to sew, so the German doesn't matter too much.
Cute, huh? I will write some more about them in the book review, which should be posted on Monday with some new Favourites, a photo album of all of the winning quilts from the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, and an interview and free pattern from the extremely talented Squirrel Momma, among other things!
Lastly, I have to prove to all the incredulous people asking about how I managed to quilt on the plane, that I did, indeed, quilt on the plane. Here I am:
I have sewed and quilted on planes all over the world. Even since the tightened security, I have never been refused taking needles or pins onto the plane, just (obviously) scissors. I have a little pair of plastic scissors that are approved for taking on planes. They are really little (about 2 inches long) and only have small blades and I have taken them all over the place. As I understand it, you can take any pair of kids blunt-ended, plastic scissors. Alternatively you an take a Clover Thread Cuttter, which is fine for normal sewing thread but not so good for Perle cottons.
So there you go! Go forth, travel and sew.... :)
** OK, so since posting this it has been brought to my attention that these books are in Dutch not German - I don't suppose you can fault me for not recognising a language that I don't speak?? Had it been French, Italian or Spanish I might have been a little better off! I guess I had better enrol for Dutch lessons instead. I do want to say though that I have googled the Tilda books and I can't find these particular two in English at all - not even on Amazon, although several of Tone's other books are available in English. If you know where to get them in English please let me know so I can tell everyone. Thanks! **