In San Francisco....
Ok, my heart came home with me, but I think maybe I left my brain there. Any of you all over there seen it?
HOUSEKEEPING first, then the fun stuff.
1. BLOGGERS!! If you have not yet posted about your SEWN giveaway but have linked to Mr Linky, please blog by June 1 or your name will be removed from the list. Don't forget to remind your readers to enter your draw! It's getting close....Thank you! PS. If you have not already joined your blog you can still join every day up to June 8, this message is for the few of you who have joined up but not blogged about it yet.
2. If you are a blogger and have not yet entered into our SEWN Launch Party Giveaway, hop on down here and sign right up! Not only can you give great prize love to other crafters, you can go into the draw to win HEAPS of great prizes that are just for the entered blogs!! Come on peoples, let's make it to 100 blogs joined up before June 8.
3. If you are a reader or a lurker and haven't entered either my draw, the SEWN draw or any of the wonderful bloggers draws, go on and enter right now! You can win heaps of amazing and beautiful free stuff just for saying howdy to all of us lovely prize givers. Yay!
OK, the last leg of the journey.
When we arrived in San Francisco, we were taken to our hotel and I immediately thought we were in the wrong place:
The Palace Hotel is quite something, if you have never been there and are going to SF and feel like a treat, I highly recommend it! Just beautiful.
While I was in SF I had my final piece of official business, showing my quilts for Sharona at New Pieces in Berekley.
New Pieces is a beautiful shop with a fantastic range. That wall on the left hand side there is ALL Alexander Henry! It was all I could do not to shop immediately on arrival. I had a few things to do first though.
And then to the interesting bit - the quilts!
We had a great time in San Fran, it was great to meet everyone who came out to New Pieces for the talk, as well as Sharona and her lovely staff. Thanks for the book tip Carol Anne - I have finished it and you were right ;-)
Ok, off to quilting now. Not enough pretty pics in this post so I will end with a totally unrelated shot of what is on my design wall today. Obviously in design stage! Have fun everyone.