Phew!!! I'm exhausted from just being so excited every second of the day. And to top it all off, Our American publisher has posted a Q & A with me that they did a few weeks ago on their website. You can read about it here.
While all of this has been going on, all of you have been madly commenting to win the Red Letter Day - don't forget you can comment to the post below to win and the entries are open until JUNE 8 so there is heaps of time! Make sure and click on the links that are added to the Mr Linky, and go and visit the other blogs who are giving away stuff, leave a comment on their blogs and you could win that as well!! AND you can enter to win prizes at SEWN too, we are adding new sponsors with new prizes every day. With all that you just GOT to win something!!
I don't know about you, but I'm puffed after all that. Let's have a breather and look at a pic of what one of my wonderful class girls has been up to while you have all been trying to win stuff. Margaret has been making a memory quilt of soccer and athlectic shirts for her nephew's 18th brthday. Isn't it great?
She has done a fantastic job, lucky boy. I wish I had a pic of the back for you too, we used the most delicious Anna Griffin stripe and it looks amazing. This is the one it is if you are wanting to track some down!!
Mmmm, zingy. Just think, in a few short weeks, Find Fabric will be able to find that for you!! Can I say exciting again in this post or will an alarm go off somewhere?
This week I have also sent out all the kits for the Wonderland quilt in Women's Weekly.... here they all are awaiting their post packs.
Don't they look purty? I have ONE left in the original border and I can do ONE in the option one border and then that is it girls - jump in quick and snap them up!
OK, going now. I really am. I'd like to say exciting one more time, but you may all scream. Not everyone is excited though - some of us can still sleep....
PS. One more exciting. Check out my teaching schedule in the USA in the blog menu to the right, and if you're somewhere nearby, come and say HI!! Sarah Fielke Material Obsession