Here we are in NYC! I love this city, I really do. Damian and I lived here for 2 years about 15 years ago, and even now when I come back it feels a little like home. We flew in last night, checked right on in to our very groovy hotel in the Meatpacking District, and went out to have midnight mac and cheese at a local diner - trust me when I say that the options available on the flight from LA made the mac VERY worth waiting for!
This morning we were up bright and early and on up to mid-town for me to do an interview on Martha Stewart Radio. The Morning Living program was great fun, and Kim and Betsy were terriffic in making me feel not QUITE so nervous! I don't know if you can listen to it anywhere post-air, but I will find out - if anyone knows, drop me a comment please. This is me, waiting...
Afterwards we had the whole rest of the day to ourselves - what a luxury. We headed straight to Union Square to one of my favourite shops ever -
Wonder if I can get this into my suitcase?
That would look so great in the library when we renovate. Shame it's about $7,000. That's US dollars. Oh well.... I could maybe have one of these though, and the nice man did say he would ship to Australia! (I love you darling husband xxxx) After all, what do you get the woman who has too many quilts, if not a quilt RUG?
If you have never been to ABC and are going to New York, I highly recommend you take an hour out and stop in. It is six floors of eye popping loveliness, you will want to take everything home with you. Wether or not you can afford to is a whole other topic, let just say you should probably leave your credit card elsewhere to aviod terminal damage.
Lovely lunch, coffee... walk up to Evolution just for my son Oscar, who requested I bring something home from his favourite shop (even though he's never actually been there!)
If you have never been there, Evolution is basically a shop full of dead stuff. Skulls and fossils and bugs and skeletons and skulls and rocks and stuffed furry things.....
Pretty much a nine year old's dream.
I would tell you what I bought him, but I know he's reading (hi chicken!!)
I also went here amongst other places. Oh my heavens I wish I could ship this whole shop home in a box for my new kitchen. ESPECIALLY the polka dottted dinner set :)
Anyway, that's it - even though it's only lunchtime in Australia, it is past midnight here and if I don't do to sleep I will mush for my colour talk tomorrow. Be kind to me NYC quilters! Night... and don't forget to join up for SEWN, enter my comp etc, etc.... WIN stuff people! And check out those other bloggers, you should SEE what they're giving away! Sarah Fielke Material Obsession Material Obsession 2